BCT Aquathlon - Isabel

Wombourne Race Report


Saturday and another race. That morning I had been with my mom to parkrun and out to breakfast.

Wombourne was the last race of a very long season. It was just me and mom this time. Dad had been up doing Keswick to Barrow. I had all my stuff with me and we drove up to the Aquathon. When we gotthere I registered and hung around for a bit. It was quite funny to be honest because I wasn’t nervous or anything. Back in 2019 I would be scared and nervous to do a race like this. I sorted out my transition and we spoke to Callum. We hung around some more until we started to get ready to start. I did some stretches and warmed up a bit so my muscles were loose. My name was called and I headed into the pool area to get my timing chip. I went to my lane and got ready to go. There was a 1 minute gap between us all. I waited for the countdown and swam 300m, thankfully not messing up my tumble turns. I came to transition which went well. I started to run out of transition until my number decided to fly of my number belt and on to the floor. Rookie error! Now I was running with my number in my hand. We had to run across the field and out and back again to our coloured cone. I was pleased with my run and didn’t get overtaken by anyone. I managed to make one last push to the finish and overtake someone else. I got my medal ad chocolate bar and watch Callum finish. We watched the younger ones who all did really well. Definitely a good race to end of the season.

Isabel Bradshaw