
Become a Member

To join, please select from one of the membership options below.

  • Reduced fees for coached swim and track run sessions
  • Unlimited access passes are available to purchase for £30 per month
  • TTC Swim hat
  • Coached run sessions
  • Reduced fee to join the British Triathlon Federation
  • Access to informal run and cycle sessions
  • Free access to member-only seminars and events
  • Subsidised entry fee to National Club Relay Championships
  • Annual Awards Night
  • Shopping partner discounts
  • Sociable, supportive, friendly and charitable club

Please select the membership that is right for you



Not sure you are ready to join yet?  Have a months membership to access sessions on us.

Adult Member (Full Year)

£30.00 £5.67

Adult membership is for anyone not eligible for concession membership - Full Year Option

Concession (Full Year)

£25.00 £4.73

Over 60 years, under 18 years old, aged 18 or over in full-time education - or additional adult member in a family - Full Year Option

Junior Member (Full Year)

£25.00 £4.73

1st Junior Member of the family

Junior Member - Concession (Full Year)

£20.00 £3.78

Applicable for all juniors where another adult or junior in the family is a full paying member